Blurb When Holly takes a vacation with friends, she never dreams she will meet someone who turns her lonely life around in just one afternoon…the question is, can this kind of heat last… ‘Unexpected Storm,’ released June 21, from Secret Cravings Publishing. Buy the book: Excerpt one from ‘Unexpected Storm,’ Copyright Elodie Parkes 2014, Secret Cravings June 21, 2014 erotic romance short release 18+ rated He stared at her intently, and then extended a hand alongside her head to rest it against the wooden window frame. His muscled arm grazed her cheek. He enclosed her in intimacy. “Hi, my name’s Will. I’m not sorry I grabbed your ass. You’re lovely and I just couldn’t help it. Blame the atmosphere, the positive ions.” He smiled and it made him even more beautiful. Holly couldn’t get past the lure of his muscular arm being so close to her she could’ve nestled against it. She couldn’t tear her gaze from his blue eyes. Her entire body reacted wildly to this man. Breasts heavy,pussy drenched, eyes about to close with a haze of lust, she heard a sigh break from her lips. Will brought his other hand gently around Holly’s head, held her, and watched her eyes as he descended on her mouth. His fingers against her ear sparked rivulets of sensation. They trickled goose bumps down her neck to her breasts. His kiss was soft, sexy, lingering, and when he stopped, Holly followed his mouth with hers, the desperation for more kisses driving her. Rain beat on the roof of the beach hut. People talked loudly so they could be heard. The girls, who’d squealed earlier, squealed again as thunder rolled overhead. The air was warm, sticky, vaguely smelling of rush matting, seaweed, the ocean. Holly felt sweat trickle down between her shoulder blades. It beaded under her hairline and on her top lip. She quickly licked it away and noticed how Will watched her tongue hungrily. ***** Excerpt Two, from ‘Unexpected Storm,’ Copyright Elodie Parkes, 2014 Secret Cravings June 21, 2014 erotic romance short release PG13 rated “I’ll drive you to the hotel. It’ll only take five minutes on the road. It’ll take you fifteen up the cliff steps. They might still be slippery from the earlier downpour.” He pictured the dark wooden steps, with their cracks full of sand and wildflowers growing out of them at the edges. “That’s so kind, Will, thank you.” He followed her through the kitchen and watched her pick up her cell phone. They went quietly to the hall where she retrieved her beach bag. Will opened a drawer in the hall table and took out a set of car keys. He picked up the door key from the top. Without a shirt or shoes, he walked to the Jeep and helped Holly into it. Before he started the car engine, he looked across at her. Desperation to see her again, tell her he felt something for her, forced a sigh. She looked at him and Will was certain there was longing in her expression. When they were on the road to the hotel, he spoke. “I’ll look out for you on the beach tomorrow. Holly, is there any chance I can see you again? Could we have lunch, or just coffee, or something? I’d like to see you. You can reach me at the Surf and Sail shop. I’d offer my number, but…” He waited for her answer, hopefully. “I’ll find you there, soon.” She sounded happy. It lifted his heart, and he let out a breath, unaware he’d been holding it until then. Relief flooded him and he grinned as he drove through the hotel gates and stopped by the fountain to let Holly out. She turned to him and kissed him by the side of his mouth. He caught her head and kissed her lips. When she’d gone, he drove around the fountain and out to the road. ***** About the author, Elodie Parkes is a British author writing romance, erotic, contemporary, and often with a twist of mystery, paranormal or suspense. Her books are always steamy, cool stories and hot love scenes. Elodie lives in Canterbury with her two dogs. She works in an antique shop by day and writes at night, loving the cloak of silent darkness that descends on the rural countryside around her home. Elodie writes for, Hot Ink Press, Moon Rose Publishing, Eternal Press, Secret Cravings, and Evernight She has also released titles as an individual indie author. Google + Pinterest YouTube Amazon USA Amazon UK Smashwords Barnes and Noble ARe Bookstrand Evernight TRR ManicReaders Comments are closed.
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