Today I'm very excited to introduce you to an author of one of the hottest books of the summer. The cover alone will make you sweat! ![]() Hello and thank you for visiting today. Tell us a little about yourself. Hi Melissa. Thank you! It is a pleasure to be here today. I’ve been writing since an early age, scratching out silly little stories on notebook paperwork when I should have been paying attention in class. I live in North Carolina with my wife, daughter, and a menagerie of pets, all of whom keep life interesting. When I’m not writing, I enjoy hiking, reading, crafting jewelry, and dabbling in decorative painting. Writing-wise, I tend to focus on stories in the fantasy, paranormal, paranormal romance, and erotic romance genres. I’m also working on my first young adult book though I haven’t made much progress on it yet. Thanks! It sounds like you have an interesting life. Now on to some personal questions. If you could go back in time to when you were seven years old, what wisdom or advice would you pass on to yourself? I would tell myself to let my grandmother teach me Spanish when she asked. She was a native of Hondorus and spoke Spanish fluently. It’s a language that I wish I knew now but back then, I resisted with a passion. For what are you grateful? I am grateful for the love of my family and for being gifted with the ability to create stories that can make others happy. When I can wake up each morning and know that those two things exist, I am good. If a zombie virus took over the world, how many days do you think you could last before you were infected? And what would you do to postpone the inevitable? Oh, I think I’d last a pretty long time. I am nothing if not a survivor and I can be pretty sneaky and creative when it is needed, especially for survival. One key would be to stay on the move I think, to never be a sitting target. What television sitcom is most like your family? Why? I think I’d have to choose the show My Wife and Kids. It’s not on anymore but the reruns still play all the time and I love them. It represents the typical chaos of a family with kids I think and does it in a very humorous way. I tend to be the sarcastic, joking type so I can connect with the father in the show very well. What’s your favorite thing to do to relax? My favorite thing to do to relax is probably reading or playing on the computer though I also love to get out and hike and just enjoy the outdoors when the weather isn’t too hot or rainy. There’s nothing more peaceful than just being one with nature sometimes, at least for me. Let’s find out a little bit about you as an author. Did you always want to be an author? When I first started writing, the idea of being an author wasn’t in the equation. I just enjoyed putting my stories onto paper and telling the tales of my characters. It wasn’t until I reached college that I began to set my sights higher and even then I put the dream on hold for 10 plus years so that I could focus on family. What authors had an impact on you growing up and as an adult? Hmm, that one is a really tough one because I enjoyed so many authors growing up. Two that I enjoyed as a child were Maurice Sendak and later, as an adult researching children’s books, Eve Bunting. I also enjoyed the work of Charles De Lint throughout my reading life. Do you have any “must haves” with you while you’re writing? No, I can’t say that I do. I do have “can’t have’s” though. One of them is music – for whatever reason it distracts me and the other is someone sitting next to me jabbering away. That really distracts me. Now, background noise, on the other hand is a must. Sounds of cooking in the kitchen, the TV playing in the living room, I love all of that. It helps keep me grounded because otherwise I become lost in the writing. Do you have a common theme or item that appears in each of your books? No, I don’t…or at least not that I know of anyway. I suppose it’s possible my subconscious places something in each without me realizing it but it’s not something I sent out to do on purpose. What have you learned the most from being in the writing business? Patience is probably the number one thing I’ve learned. The three P’s of writing, at least for me, are patience with my characters and my muse, patience when making submissions, and patience when waiting for a story to be released. ![]() Tell us about your latest release: My latest release is an erotic romance anthology by Pink Petal Books called “The Boys of Summer”. It features my story, “An Enchanting Surprise” which is a heated romantic tale involving a gardener and an Olympic athlete. Here’s a little teaser about the story: Skie Wilson is a simple girl with simple tastes. Give her the job at the Cambridge Inn, her outrageous best friend, some puzzles, and a beer, and she's good to go. Of course, the one thing missing from that mix is passion and heat—the kind that makes her heart race, her toes curl, and her body tingle. Jaded by a cheating fiancé, Skie has avoided commitment ever since. No man has caught her eye enough to make her change her mind, at least not until the Spanish Olympic team arrives for a summer of training before the event. The scorching hot athletes offer quite the temptation, with their sweat-glistened muscles and taut bodies, but one sinfully sexy triathlete captures Skie’s attention the most. Will she hide behind the safety of the inn’s “no fraternization” rule, or will she let her hair down and have a little fun? An Enchanting Surprise Excerpt: Published in The Boys of Summer Erotic Romance Anthology Time crawled by, the hours ticking off, but Skie got nothing else done that day. Oh, she worked of course, puttering about here and there, but her mind was only on Rafe. It was all she could think about – his body, his touch, their kiss – and she moved like a mindless robot through each task. When she glanced at her watch and saw that it was almost five o’clock, her heart skipped a beat. Dropping her clippers where she stood, she sucked in a breath and tried to calm nerves. It was time and she knew it. Skie was halfway to the back of the pool house when she suddenly realized how dirty she looked. It was too late to do anything about it now. Hopefully, Rafe would appreciate a woman that worked hard in all the things that she did. Weaving her way around the inn, she approached their designated spot, making sure no one was around. Aside from a few guests, the place looked pretty empty. Smiling, she arrived but immediately saw she was alone, a sense of sorrow invading her. Closing her eyes against the sting of pain that stabbed at her heart, Skie grimaced, knowing she’d let her emotions betray her again. As embarrassment caused her shoulders to slump, a single tear filled one of her eyes. She was about to turn around and head inside when she felt something clamp down on her shoulders and push her toward the wall. Gasping, Skie braced against the concrete surface, sucking in a breath when she felt a hard body touch hers. The minute he spoke though, her limbs went weak and she almost moaned. “Mmmm, I wasn’t sure if you were going to come.” Rafe slipped an arm around her waist and drew her back against him. With her rear nestled against his crotch, Skie bit her lower lip to keep a whimper from slipping out. “Not come?” she murmured in return. “God, it’s all I’ve thought about all afternoon, Rafe. I was upset when I didn’t see you here.” “I’m here now, Skie,” he whispered against her skin, his mouth hovering near her neck, “and you’re all I’ve thought of today too.” The minute the words were out, he placed his lips against her skin and gently kissed it. She shuddered at the feeling and pressed her hips backward, a moan coming out when a second kiss landed higher. “Rafe…I….” she lost the words to a whimper as his lips slid to her earlobe next, tongue darting out to tease it. “Don’t say anything” he murmured in response. “Just let me…please you.” Closing his lips over her lobe, he slowly suckled on it. At the same time, his hips moved lightly against hers as his arm pulled back on her waist possessively. When he finally released her ear, he spoke again. “I want to devour you. To take my time and explore every square inch of you. I’ve wanted to do it from the moment I saw you that first time.” Releasing his hold on her waist, Rafe used his strong hands to turn her around and press her back against the wall. Leaning in, he stopped mere centimeters from her lips. “I can’t do all of that right now but I can do this.” Leaning in, he pressed his mouth to hers again. The kiss started off tender, his lips exploring hers but then grew more heated, tongue darting out to tease against her lower lip, wanting entrance. Skie raised her hands and gripped at his shirt, holding him tight while she opened her mouth. A groan of want slipped out. His touch deepened as their mouths and tongues danced together in a molten moment of need, Rafe taking all that he wanted and giving her back just as much. Skie felt like she would melt where she stood as her body trembled and her muscles weakened. Her blood was slowly simmering to a full boil, heart pounding a staccato beat, sending nothing but blazing heat straight to her core. The need to feel him there was strong, almost too intense to handle. As much as she liked Rafe though, Skie didn’t want their first time to be against a concrete wall, no matter how much she needed it. He was the first to break their contact, pulling back slowly, gripping her lower lip with his teeth as he did and tugging on it. Keeping his gaze locked on hers, the man sucked in a few deep breaths, his body shuddering. Skie could only look at him breathlessly, having never been kissed quite like that, her body languid. A slow smile slid into place as he took another kiss, this one just as passionate and needy as the first. The moment they came together, he dropped his hand to her shirt and slowly slid up it, rough fingers teasing along its surface with determination. Skie knew a moment was coming that she wouldn’t forget. Part of her was scared shitless. No one had touched her in ages but she craved it now. When his palm finally closed over her breast and massaged it, her wanton body bucked hard against his as a deep, sensual moan slipped out. They made out like teenagers while his strong hand slowly explored her body. It started with one breast and then the other, and slowly ended with his hand between her legs, lightly rubbing her body through her pants. Rafe dropped his mouth to her neck then, nibbling and kissing it, and all Skie could do was moan in response, beyond coherent. “Dios…Skie…I just want to rip these pants off you and take you right now,” he murmured after coming up for air again. “You have me so hot, baby. It’s driving me nuts.” Skie tried to form words but all she could manage was to move her hips against his hand, lost to the sensations he caused. She was seconds away from an orgasm, her body on fire, but she finally managed to gasp a few words. “Rub…harder” she hissed, her hips moving faster now, trying to force her pussy against his fingers. Rafe finally got the message and pressed his hand harder against her, rubbing against the crotch of her pants with force. “Mmm, come on, Skie….feel my fingers….I want you to cum for me, baby.” His voice was hoarse, the words almost a command. “Look at me. I want to stare into your eyes when it happens.” Skie forced her eyes open, staring into his, a wave of heat washing through her. She’d never been this turned on before, never felt her body react like this, and she lost herself to the moment, her body grinding against his frantically until it happened. The orgasm came swift and hard as it raced through her system with abandon and lit her body on fire. She opened her mouth and a scream started to slip out. Rafe clamped his mouth over hers immediately, smothering that cry, his fingers never stopping, not until he felt her go over the top and start to slide back down. When her body finally began to relax against his, he took his mouth away, an easy smile on his face. Slipping his hand out from between her legs, he reached for her and pressed her palm against his crotch. “That…was erotic as hell, Skie,” he whispered, never taking his gaze off hers. “Feel what you did to me.” She cupped him lightly, another moan slipping past her lips. “I want you, Skie. I want to fuck you nice and slow the first time and then take you hard and fast the second. I want to feel your nipples under my tongue and your pussy wrapped around my shaft. Do you want that too?” Skie could only whimper in response, nodding like a drunken idiot. His smile widened at her response. He leaned in, pressing his lips to her ear. “Tomorrow night, in my room. Be there before eleven. I can’t wait, Skie.” Pulling away from her, Rafe placed a gentle kiss on her lips before turning to leave. Skie reached out quickly and grabbed his arm, pulling him back. “No, too dangerous. My place, same time.” Rattling off the address quickly, she smiled and slid along the wall. “I’ll send a taxi to pick you up. Stay here for a few minutes and let me go first.” With that, she moved around the edge of the building on shaky legs, putting distance between them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How did you decide on your story plot? The theme of the anthology was summer fun and I immediately thought of an Olympic team stashed away at some remote country inn, getting in their final training before the big events. I’ve also loved the idea of gardening – though I don’t do much of it myself – so it made perfect sense to me for my heroine to be a gardener and my hero the athlete. That got me started and the rest flowed as I wrote. How did you choose your characters names and location for your story? With my hero, I wanted a traditional name of Spanish origin so did a little research and chose Rafael. I’ve always like that name and it sounded perfect for an athlete. For my heroine, I wanted something a bit more unusual and Skie just popped into my mind after some brainstorming with my wife. Do you have a favorite scene? Why? Their second intimate scene is my favorite one. It involves a public setting and some heated touching but that’s all I’m going to tell you. You’ll have to read the story to see how the scene plays out. Do you have a character that you identify with? Who and why? I like to think that I can identify with all my characters in one way or another. As I write, I find that I sometimes give them characteristics of my own, sort of little pieces of myself you could say. Let our readers know how they can get a hold of you… I can be reached through any of the following websites: Is there anything else that you want to share… feel free!! For anyone that might be interested in purchasing the book, it can be found at the following locations: Amazon Print: Amazon Kindle: Barnes and Noble Print: Barnes and Noble Nook: Pink Petal Books: E-book version: Print version: AllRomance Ebooks: BookStrand: I also wanted to end our conversation by sending a heart felt thank you to my fans and to readers in general. Without you, writers would be writing for themselves only and that takes away half the fun. Thank you Brian for stopping by and sharing your story. What a sizzling tale it is and perfect for some summer fun!
kay rogal
9/20/2012 11:13:44 am
The excerpt was hot, Brian! Great writing :-) tweeted this interview! Comments are closed.
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