I'm super excited to have Gwen Knight stopping by to Hello Gwen Knight, and thank you for visiting today. Tell us a little about yourself. I'm a northern Canadian girl currently living in Fort St. John, British Columbia with my husband, two collies, and cat. I graduated from the University of Lethbridge with a degree in Archaeology and Geography. My interests include playing in the dirt (summer), building elaborate snow forts (winter), boating, and archery. Thanks! I hope you aren't feeling the super cold we're getting here in Michigan. It sounds like you have an interesting life. Now on to some personal questions. If you could go back in time to when you were seven years old, what wisdom or advice would you pass on to yourself? "Don't eat that, it's disgusting." If a zombie virus took over the world, how many days do you think you could last before you were infected? And what would you do to postpone the inevitable? If I was alone, I don't think I'd last long at all. I'd probably get eaten day one. However, if my husband was with me, I bet we'd survive. Thanks to World War Z, I'd pad the easily accessible areas with magazines or something to keep those snapping teeth away from me. I finally saw World War Z and picked up some interesting ideas myself! What television sitcom is most like your family? Why? I admit that this question stumped me. So on the advice of a good friend, we took to Google and took the quiz "What TV Show is Your Life". After a string of amusing questions, this website determined my life to be like General Hospital. We had a good laugh, as neither of us has seen this show, and then decided to choose Buffy. While not exactly a sitcom, it seemed the closest since I'm constantly researching and writing about the paranormal. And it sounds far more bad ass than General Hospital. Buffy is a favorite show of mine. But now I'm wondering if you are an Angel fan or Spike fan...What’s your favorite thing to do to relax? Read and crochet. Makes me sound old, eh? I think we all have to have activities to give us some down time. Let’s find out a little bit about you as an author. Did you always want to be an author? You betcha. What authors had an impact on you growing up and as an adult? As a young literary minion, I read anything Christopher Pike, R.L Stein—those sort of books. Older, it was Danielle Steel, Anne Rice, and Laurell K. Hamilton. The last two sparked my intense love affair with vampires. Ohh.. I loved reading Pike, Stein and Hamilton. Hamilton is on my keeper shelf! Do you have any “must haves” with you while you’re writing? Music is a must for me. And while writing, it has to be instrumental. Words make me break out in song and dance, and then lose track of what I'm writing. What have you learned the most from being in the writing business? I've learned that the actual marketing of you, your name, and your books is another full time job all on its own. Need to be willing to put the time into that. Tell us about your latest release: (blurb, excerpt, cover) Ryker Bennett has dedicated his life to hunting down—and eliminating—creatures of the dark. But his latest assignment has him questioning everything he's ever believed in. Jenna Sinclair may be a witch, but she's also the only woman Ryker has ever loved. Jenna thought leaving Ryker two years ago would save him from having to choose between their forbidden love and his sworn duty. But when he tracks her down, it's clear the desire between them burns as hot as ever—and that they'll have to walk through the flames to be together…. How did you decide on your story plot? Ryker was the inspiration behind this book. I had this image in my head of a phone ringing and when he leaned over to check, it had a name on the screen. That name was Jenna’s, a former lover of his. I knew his duty would be to track her down and eliminate her, and from there it spiraled into this rich universe that I can’t wait to expand on. How did you choose your characters names and location for your story? The names were already in my head when I sat down to write. When I imagined the scene with Ryker, checking his phone, I just knew his name. Jenna—I was looking for something a bit softer sounding. The location was chosen because Jenna needed somewhere she felt safe, even though Ryker intimidates her. Do you have a favorite scene? Why? My favorite scene is when Jenna and Ryker finally establish their feelings for one another. I love how the descriptions came out and the magic that Jenna expresses. But that's all I'm going to say about it ;) Don't want to give anything away. Do you have a character that you identify with? Who and why? I felt a bit more connected with Ryker. He has a task set out before him that he doesn't morally agree with and he has to come to terms with what's best for everyone. It's easy to understand and identify with him as we've all been in similar positions. Thank you for dropping by and sharing more about your life and writing! Let our readers know how they can get a hold of you… Website: gwenknight.ca Facebook: facebook.ca/gwenknightx Twitter: twitter.com/gwenknightx Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/GwenKnightx/ Blog: knightgwen.wordpress.com Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7216477.Gwen_Knight ![]() About the Author: Canadian girl Gwen Knight first began to delve into the realm of the paranormal at the age of ten, when she wrote her first horror starring a clawed monster that hid beneath her bed. Since then, her tastes have expanded into many genres. Though addicted to reading and writing, she managed to achieve a degree in archaeology, geography, and mapping. Currently, she lives in the Great White North with her husband, two collies, and black cat. She loves meeting new people and you can visit her website at www.gwenknight.ca, facebook page https://www.facebook.com/GwenKnightx, or twitter https://twitter.com/GwenKnightx. Her latest book is the paranormal romance, A Hunter’s Passion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ About the Book: Ryker Bennett has dedicated his life to hunting down—and eliminating—creatures of the dark. But his latest assignment has him questioning everything he's ever believed in. Jenna Sinclair may be a witch, but she's also the only woman Ryker has ever loved Jenna thought leaving Ryker two years ago would save him from having to choose between their forbidden love and his sworn duty. But when he tracks her down, it's clear the desire between them burns as hot as ever—and that they'll have to walk through the flames to be together…. Purchase your copy at AMAZON Discuss this book in our PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads by clicking HERE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() Title: A Hunter’s Passion Author: Gwen Knight Publisher: Harlequin Pages: 55 Language: English Genre: Paranormal Romance Format: Paperback & eBook Purchase at AMAZON Ryker Bennett has dedicated his life to hunting down—and eliminating—creatures of the dark. But his latest assignment has him questioning everything he's ever believed in. Jenna Sinclair may be a witch, but she's also the only woman Ryker has ever loved. Jenna thought leaving Ryker two years ago would save him from having to choose between their forbidden love and his sworn duty. But when he tracks her down, it's clear the desire between them burns as hot as ever—and that they'll have to walk through the flames to be together... BOOK EXCERPT: Ryker Bennett was in a foul mood. That filthy leech had actually managed to score a bite, and his skin burned from its venom. He’d been foolish to allow something so small to distract him. The rules of survival were clear, and he’d abided by them his entire life. Why tonight had been any different, he’d no idea, but laboring on it seemed pointless. Right now, all that mattered was cleansing the wound. Though, he didn’t relish the idea of dousing his throbbing shoulder in holy water. A name—something so simple, and it had nearly brought his end upon him. If his brothers ever found out, they would never let him live it down. Hell, if he hadn’t managed to stake that blighted vampire, the entire hunting community would have heard of his incompetence. Thankfully, the leech was little more than dust in the wind now, and if Ryker was lucky, his brothers would never learn of this. Rolling out his shoulder, his eyes pinched shut as he bit back a pained groan. Lord, but it hurt. It wasn’t the first time a darkling had managed to land a blow against him, but this was by far the worst. And all because it had uttered Jenna’s name. Stupid. Jenna was long gone from his life. There was no reason she should still affect him, and he hated that she did. As if the woman hadn’t brought him enough heartache, now she was adding physical anguish to the list. Cursing under his breath, he palmed open the church’s oak doors with his good arm and slipped within. Far too late for mass, the church stood empty, the wooden benches gathering dust until the next service. A small consolation, at least, that there was no one to witness him bleeding to death. Pausing in the entry, Ryker glanced down the aisle, his gaze falling on a bank of prayer candles. Once, there’d been a time when he might have lit one and whispered a few words of gratitude: for being alive, for surviving another hunt... Tonight, he was simply tired, and with a quiet sigh, he turned and slumped down the nearby hidden stairwell. Though he’d never admit it aloud, it bothered him that some vile bloodsucker had spoken Jenna’s name. That they knew she’d once meant so much to him proved he’d been careless. For that reason only, he’d forever be grateful that she’d left him. At the very least, perhaps her leaving had managed to keep her safe from everything that went bump in the night. Ryker hadn’t been particularly careful with his stories of everything he hunted, and when he’d finally looked back on their time together, it was no wonder she’d run. What woman wanted to tie herself to a man that hunted monsters? What life could he have provided her beyond blood and death? Of course, that justification did little to ease the ache. Two years, and she still had such a hold over him. Pathetic. Grimacing, he repositioned his arm against his side and rounded the bottom of the stairwell. Though the room he entered was small, it contained all he needed. Dragging his feet over to the derelict table resting against the far wall, his fingers curled around a first aid kit and heaved it up. Closing this wound was going to hurt more than the whetted fangs that had torn him open, but with a deep breath, he flipped open the lid and fished out the necessities. Ripping into a package of sterile cloth with his teeth, he dabbed at the rivulets of blood spilling down his shoulder. He could have done with a little courage, preferably of the liquid sort. Too bad he didn't have any. “Here,” an aged voice grunted behind him. Cursing, Ryker spun, wincing when the tips of his fingers caught against his torn flesh. “Father Stewart,” he bit out, swallowing the colorful blasphemies dangling from the tip of his tongue. “That looks painful,” Father Stewart muttered, the heels of his shoes falling lightly against the cement floor as he edged closer. “Nah,” Ryker deadpanned. “Nothing more than a tickle.” “I may be a man of faith, but I still understand sarcasm, child.” Unaware that he had blood left to spare, Ryker was stunned when his cheeks warmed. At the very least, he should have been grateful that it was just the father that had found him, and not his brothers. “My apologies.” A pale face turned upward, the corners of his eyes crinkling with amusement. “Here,” he said again, offering a silver flask. Blinking, Ryker’s words ran dry. Surely, the old man wasn’t offering him alcohol, was he? "For the pain," the father assured him. "We've no anesthetic, and I'd rather the sisters not alert the police. They remain blissfully unaware of the Church's..." His hands flourished as he struggled to find the words. "Extracurricular activities?" Ryker offered with a bemused smile before throwing back a mouthful of whiskey. Wincing, he lowered the canteen, eyes tapered as he waited for the liquor's burn to ebb. Father Stewart bowed over Ryker’s injury, his mouth pursed as he regarded the extent of the wound. "Be grateful it was just your shoulder. It looks as though it was trying to tear your arm off." "Had it all under control," Ryker muttered, eying the old man apprehensively as he reached for a small vial of holy water. "The bastard—sorry Father—played dirty." "Yes, well. They are beings of darkness and corruption. I doubt they even understand what a fair fight entails." Ryker’s lips quirked before he took another long swallow. "Suppose so." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Hunter’s Passion Tour Page: http://www.pumpupyourbook.com/2014/01/15/virtual-book-tour-pump-up-your-book-presents-a-hunters-passion-virtual-book-publicity-tour/ Comments are closed.
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