Happy New Year! Let's Talk About Your Wish for 2013!This is the end of one year and the beginning of a new year. It is a time of celebration and reflection. After all, we survived the Mayan Apocalypse and are standing on the edge of a Fiscal Cliff. 2013 is bound to be a better year! Especially since you have a wonderful opportunity to win some free books, gift cards, swag and even an e-reader! All you have to do is to hop around the various sites and leave comments. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning! :) DON'T FORGET YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN YOUR COMMENT. IT'S A MUST TO ENTER. Random winners will be drawn after Jan. 6th! I am giving away a $5 Amazon or B&N gift card so that you can get those books you want for your e-reader that you just got for Christmas. ![]() The Blog Hop has THREE grand prizes. You as a reader can go to EACH blog and comment with your email address and be entered to win. Yep, you can enter over 200 times! Now what are those prizes? 1st Grand Prize: A Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet 2nd Grand Prize: A $300 Amazon or B&N Gift Card 3rd Grand Prize: A Swag Pack that contains paperbacks, ebooks, 50+ bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, coffee cozies, and more! There are so many things that have happened in 2012. I had a close family member and a great friend who are both facing a tough battle with cancer. I'm in a tough situation at work that challenges me each day as I strive to keep my students safe. The country faced some tough challenges with the violence in our malls and schools. Finances are on everyone's mind as just being able to afford a home and pay the bills is growing tougher. We've had some horrible weather related issues that have reminded us what is really important. But even with those negatives, 2012 has been a wonderful year. We survived the Mayan Apocalypse. That was really such a let down! We also have remained a country where freedom of speech and the ability to make choices for our government and selves has continued to thrive. It has also been a wonderful year for me personally. I've had four stories published and two more are set to be published soon. Being an author is a dream come true. I finally am able to share my stories with readers who love them. In 2012, I met so many wonderful people who became close friends, from authors like Liz Crowe and Anne Holly who helped me get my foot in the door to Becky who is the sister of my heart. I've met readers and fans of my books and enjoyed hearing that someone else loves the stories I tell. I've become the co-owner of Inkspell Publishing and helped make so many other people's dreams come true. The authors at Inkspell are close friends that I'd do anything for. They are like an extended family as we work together. My Inkspell partner, Shilpa has given me an amazing opportunity to make a difference in so many people's lives. I'm so grateful to her for seeing the skills in me. Now to look forward to 2013. Let's set a goal, a resolution or a wish for this coming year. What will yours be? What do you wish for you, for the country or the world? My wish for 2013 is... I wish that my family and I remain healthy and happy. Share your wish and be entered for the $5 gift card as well as the grand prize giveaway! And don't forget to leave your email address to be entered to win the grand prize from the blog hop! 12/31/2012 04:58:57 pm
Thanks for participating in the hop. My wish is that 2013 be better than 2012.
Rita Wray
1/1/2013 05:59:09 am
My wish is for the economy to improve.
1/1/2013 06:14:19 am
I wish for 2013 to be awesome!
susan platt
1/1/2013 06:56:16 am
Happy New Year! To continue to lose weight!
1/1/2013 07:41:08 am
My wish is that my family is able to move into our new home this year. 1/1/2013 09:40:36 am
That would be nice Kassandra! Do you have one all picked out?
1/1/2013 08:35:48 am
I wish for a steady income.
1/1/2013 10:06:36 am
I wish for the same as everyone else... more money, peace, love, happiness and more sucsess in 2013 1/1/2013 01:59:40 pm
Thanks for stopping by Michelle. I think we all wish for this.
Leanne Jacobson
1/1/2013 10:32:29 am
My wish is for health of my family and a drama free year [email protected]
1/1/2013 11:11:15 am
I wish for NHL hockey to come back!
Joy F
1/1/2013 11:25:01 am
To read more 1/1/2013 02:03:54 pm
Oh that's a dream of mine! If only I could figure out how not to sleep!
ki pha
1/1/2013 12:40:03 pm
Thanks so much for a great beginning to a New Year. For this year I need to find a job since graduating college this Spring, so yup.
Mel Bourn
1/1/2013 01:32:45 pm
As I sit here, my husband is working on what we want to do this year...take a real family vacation. We have been married for 15 years and haven't taken the kids anywhere. Many reasons why, but this year, we are changing that. Looking for a pet friendly cabin for a week's vacation. We will do it. 1/1/2013 02:08:14 pm
Lisa Walker
1/1/2013 01:50:26 pm
To get in better shape. Thanks for the chance and Happy New Year! 1/1/2013 02:09:05 pm
I think we all wish for that Lisa. I tried last year and even joined a gym but quit after 4 months. No time!
1/1/2013 01:52:17 pm
Please enter me. I wish that the economy would begin to right itself and that I could land a full time teaching position. 1/1/2013 02:09:59 pm
Chelsea W
1/1/2013 02:51:03 pm
My wish is for better health. For all, of course, but particularly myself.
vicky b
1/1/2013 03:22:20 pm
I wish for the families of the victims of Newtown CT to find some sort of closure 1/2/2013 01:21:06 am
What a year it was for them! I wish for them to find peace as well.
Tammy Turner
1/1/2013 05:57:05 pm
Happy New Year and thank you for sharing a piece of your heart and soul in each of your books in 2013!
Dawna Newman
1/1/2013 06:05:16 pm
My wish is for peace and for my DH to find a job. 1/1/2013 11:35:20 pm
my wish is to find a job this year!
1/2/2013 12:26:19 am
My wish is a self-confidence boost, so that I can do what I have to/want to do in life.
1/2/2013 06:13:45 am
My wish is the same, happy and healthy family, though it would be nice if my son was potty trained in 2013 too 1/2/2013 06:35:07 am
It took my son longer to be potty trained than my daughter. I hope your wish comes true!
Jeannie Platt
1/2/2013 07:24:34 am
My goal for 2013 is to have an accounting job by the time I finally graduate in October with my degree... I also have 10 lbs to lose and need more me time. Thanks for being part of the hop 1/2/2013 08:02:10 am
I think we all wish we could lose those 10 extra pounds. And do it easily! :)
1/2/2013 07:56:03 am
Better health!!
Mary Doherty
1/2/2013 08:39:15 am
You couldn't wish for anything more then for your family and friends good health and happiness, so I am with you on that.
Céline G.
1/2/2013 10:28:03 am
For 2013, I wish to stay healthy and continue to discover great books! 1/2/2013 10:37:20 am
Thanks for visiting Celine! I think staying healthy is so important! :)
Ronda Tutt
1/2/2013 11:21:09 am
My concerns and wishes are the same as yours. My biggest wish is to have smaller government, kinder humanity, and peace for everyone of all race / sex gender / faith. Once this country stops dividing everyone and everything into categories our lives will improved. For instance, no more white, black, or brown - we all bleed red and that is all that counts or we all love so it shouldn't matter who you love. Once the division is gone we will no longer have racism, unequaled statis such as men making more money than men, or hatred towards one another that causes the evil amongst our country. 1/2/2013 12:29:51 pm
Here's hoping all your dreams come true, Melissa!
1/2/2013 02:27:10 pm
My wish is for a more productive year and not have so many unfinished to do projects that need to be complete...
1/2/2013 02:43:53 pm
This year I'm going to loss weight. i'm not going to try or think I'm going too. I will loss weight. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!
latisha depoortere
1/2/2013 02:47:30 pm
I wish for me and my mom to have more luck this year then we did last year! Thank you very much for the great giveaway and fun blog hop
1/2/2013 02:47:31 pm
to exercise more
1/2/2013 02:57:58 pm
Thanks so much for the chance to win. It's a great way to start the year. No major resolutions beyond reading a lot (let's go 50 books!) and staying active (jog, jog!). 1/3/2013 10:30:47 am
1/2/2013 04:23:33 pm
My New Years wish/resolution is to finish up school and find a decent job! :) Make more friends and read lots of terrific books.
nikki trettel
1/2/2013 07:18:57 pm
I'd like to get back in shape and find a better job! 1/3/2013 10:32:55 am
Thanks for stopping by Nikki. I wish you luck with your job search!
April Holgate
1/3/2013 01:47:41 am
As always when asked to wish for something I thing World Peace cause wishes are magical and don't have to be realistic. If I get a second wish I would want to win a big lotto jackpot so I could relax and travel and spread the wealth to my friends and family! 1/3/2013 10:33:37 am
I need to find the time to read all those great free books too!
Cassandra Hicks
1/3/2013 03:39:28 am
There are so many wishes for the world but one of my main ones is health and happiness for all :) 1/3/2013 10:41:32 am
Thanks for stopping by Cassandra! There are so many wishes aren't there! 1/3/2013 05:33:26 am
My wish would be to eat healthier.
1/3/2013 06:09:57 am
My wish is to publish my novel.
Michel King
1/3/2013 09:38:56 am
My wish for this year is to retain my sanity and pant size while releasing my debut novel and moving to a new city with a 5yo, a 5 mo puppy, and an anti-social cat. It'll be interesting at least! LOL
1/3/2013 10:27:34 am
I wish 2013 is the year that I finish things.
1/3/2013 11:37:02 am
My wish is great health for me and my family.
donna ann
1/3/2013 11:41:56 am
wishing for my family/friends happiness, health, the ability to do things they want & enjoy what they're doing
Crystal Young
1/3/2013 11:52:59 am
Wishing for my family to be healthy and happy. Happy New Year
Michelle Bledsoe
1/3/2013 02:18:23 pm
My wish for 2013 the safe births of my great-nephew and my new niece or nephew.
Missie Jones
1/3/2013 03:41:39 pm
I wish I could finally get my own place again. Long Story Short...Back at Mom & Dads, Single mom with 3 daughters, oldest daughter had heart problems @ 11yrs & given pacemaker. Recently she has been finally given the Thumbs up of health by her dr. Now to find a new job & get our own place again. :D 1/4/2013 10:55:46 am
Missie- I wish you all the best. You deserve to have your own place!
1/3/2013 09:00:59 pm
My wish for 2013 is To find a job I love! 1/4/2013 01:42:47 am
I wish to show Jesus in all that I do, say, think, and feel and for my family and friends to be blessed and walking in His will.
1/4/2013 02:11:02 am
I wish for 2013 to be better than 2012.
Lacey T
1/4/2013 07:34:16 am
I'm wishing to relax and read more in 2013! :) 1/4/2013 10:58:13 am
Thank you Lacey for stopping by! I would love to read and relax more too!
Jennifer Rote
1/4/2013 07:43:55 am
I wish for my son and I to be able to afford a car. It is so hard being stranded in the country. 1/4/2013 10:57:33 am
Jennifer~ I hope you can afford a car! I know how it is. We have only one car for my husband and I to share!
1/4/2013 08:42:27 am
I will also add my prayers to your goals for 2013!
Becki Wyer
1/4/2013 11:24:49 am
I hope to be healthier in 2013. Happy New Year!!
1/4/2013 11:35:35 am
My wish for 2013 is to have a calmer and more peaceful heart and mind.
Dione Sage
1/4/2013 12:22:15 pm
Thank you for participating in the New Year Blog Hop!
Daniel M
1/4/2013 02:45:34 pm
happy new year and thanks for the giveaway! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Belinda G
1/4/2013 03:54:07 pm
My wish that we all live healthy, happy productive lives. The more positive we are the better the experience. 1/5/2013 02:22:01 am
Thanks Belinda! I believe in surrounding myself with positive people!
1/4/2013 06:28:59 pm
I'd like to travel more this year.
Toni Porter
1/4/2013 07:47:12 pm
I've never made resolutions, but I have a short-term goal to finish editing my current novel. It's been sitting there for far too long.
1/5/2013 01:15:51 am
My wish is to find a new job.
1/5/2013 08:00:05 am
Happy New Year to you!
1/5/2013 10:07:07 am
My wish is to have a healthier new year.
Katie Amanda
1/5/2013 12:20:07 pm
I'd like to buy a house this year. Thanks! katieamanda1(at)yahoo(dot)com
1/5/2013 12:58:06 pm
I wish that my family will remain healthy and happy.
1/5/2013 03:09:14 pm
Hi! Happy New Years! I wish that my family is happy, healthy and that all there wishes come true! Thanks for the awesome hop and all the giveaways! This is so fun! I love these hops! I always meet new authors, reconnect with old ones and my TBR list grows by leaps and bounds! Thank you!! Have a great day! Best wishes and many blessings to you! 1/6/2013 03:23:33 am
Hi Shadow! I know what you mean! It's fun seeing familiar names! All the best in 2013~
1/5/2013 03:25:24 pm
Thanks for the chance to win!
1/6/2013 12:02:09 am
I want to eat healthier and exercise more.
1/6/2013 01:29:29 am
My wish is to live the year without regrets :)
JoAnna B
1/6/2013 04:52:13 am
My wish for 2013 is to have another cancer free year and for my family to remain happy and healthy.
Michelle Tucker
1/6/2013 06:41:18 am
I wish that our finances would improve significantly. 1/6/2013 11:34:57 am
My wish is to find the right agent in early 2013! 1/6/2013 01:03:00 pm
Thanks J Lenni! Finding an agent is a huge deal. Best of luck!
Stacy O
1/6/2013 01:32:02 pm
Thanks for the giveaway. My resolution is to spend more time with friends and less time at work. Comments are closed.
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