A Warning from someone who knows... “We all like to believe we are masters of our fate. However, usually it isn’t true. Somewhere, a person exists, sometimes completely unknown to you, whose slightest action impacts your life.” Blurb Billionaire David Ross has created a sanctuary for an alien species that superficially resembles Earth’s black panther. This race is superior in both strength and longevity to humans. David’s plan is to seed a new world with the offspring of these aliens and selected humans. Contrary to the covenants of the project, he sends a special young woman named Jesse to the island against her will. Her arrival changes more than he planned. Excerpt She listened to the boat roar away, and soon the dock filled with people. Two young men, one black as night with shiny straight black hair, and the other dark brown with a kinky afro, stared down at her. The black one did not smile, and he looked upset over her paralyzed state. He stroked her face and then left without speaking. The other young man presented her with the happiest smile she had ever seen. “I am glad you are here, Jesse. I hope you will forgive us as to how you came to be here. You are most welcome into our family. Seeing you, even in this sad state, gives me great happiness.” Jesse sensed there were others waiting to welcome her as well, but Carmella shooed them away and instructed the happy young man, whose name was Mike, and another older man, named Kyle, to carry her stretcher into the house. They carried her upstairs and entered a room that looked to be a nursery, but Carmella stopped them before they could move her off the stretcher. “Maybe she should stay in Katspaw’s room,” Carmella said. Mike frowned. “Kat’s in heat… Besides, her job is to watch the children.” “But she did not come willingly! We cannot risk her harming the children,” Carmella whispered. “Mother, Jesse would never harm the children,” Mike objected. “She may wish to harm David the next time he shows up, but she’s a good person. She would never hurt the children.” Carmella sighed and looked at the silent black man with silky hair who had entered the room behind her. “It is your decision, Mechal.” Mechal walked over to Jesse, knelt beside her and stroked her brown hair while he studied her pretty face. He looked up at his brother. “You’re sure?” Mike smiled. “Completely certain. She will be a wonderful nanny for the children.” He knelt on the other side of her and caressed her arm. “She is kind and loving, tolerant, but not a pushover. The children could not ask for a better nanny.” He smiled at her with great affection. The intense admiration Jesse received from the two young men did not frighten her. It was impossible to fear anyone with Mike’s bright happy smile, and while the darker Mechal did not smile, something about him made her trust and like him instantly. He seemed to have strength and wisdom far beyond his years. It was almost as if he were the leader of the family. “You will stay here in the nursery,” Mechal explained, as his hand stroked her hair. “You will be responsible for the caring of the younger children. They can be very trying at times, but they are the future of our world and must be protected and loved above all else. Do you understand? We are welcoming you into this family and entrusting to you that which we treasure most.” She sensed his sincerity and concern. Why hadn’t David just told her she was to be a nanny? She loved children. Mechal sighed. “I am greatly displeased that David has sent you against your will. It was not right, and he should not have done it. However, it is done, and cannot be undone. You must start from here, anew, with no anger or rancor against your family. Will you try?” Jesse wanted to assure him she would, but no matter how much she tried, she could not speak. “She holds no anger against us,” Mike said. “She will try to learn our ways.” AMAZON D2D About the Author Liza lives in Denville, NJ with her dog Jess. Having an adventurous nature, she learned to fly small Cessnas in NJ, hang-glide in New Zealand, kayak in Pennsylvania, ski in New York, scuba dive with great white sharks in Australia, dig up dinosaur bones in Montana, sky dive in Indiana, and raft a class four river in Tasmania. She’s an avid gardener, amateur photographer, and dabbler in watercolors and graphic arts. Yet through her entire life, her first love has and always will be writing novels. She loves to create interesting characters, set them loose, and scribe what happens in a myriad of genres. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT LIZA O'CONNOR’S MANY BOOKS Investigate these sites: Liza's Blog and Website Facebook Twitter Multiverse Blog In the second of the shifter series, Aliens Among Us, Ms. O'Connor delves into the complicated relationships among this unique group. Each person in the group has been selected for their genetics, which sets in motion some drama.
Jesse is an amazing woman who doesn't let things get her down for long. She's open to changes and almost seems perfect. No matter that she is put in a challenging situation, she is able to find the positives and creates an important link between the aliens and humans. This book is sure to entertain fans of shifter romances. The uniqueness of the alien race provides a new twist on a favorite romance genre. You will be unable to put the book down as you seek to find out what happens to Jesse. Comments are closed.
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