Happy Birthday Ella! Birthdays are quite special . Each one of us is born under a zodiac sign. They supposedly tell us a little about ourselves. Do you believe in the zodiac? What does your sign say about you? ![]() Leo July 23 - August 22 Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. These folks are impossible to miss, since they love being center stage. Leos are an ambitious lot, and their strength of purpose allows them to accomplish a great deal. The fact that these folks are also creative makes their endeavors fun for them and everyone else. They are also supremely talented and have a flair for the dramatic. Warmth and enthusiasm seems to seep from every Leo pore, making these folks a pleasure to be around. They do love pleasure! The element associated with Leo is Fire. Everything about the Lion's personality is hot, hot, hot. Those born under this sign are fearless and strong, which may be why Lions plunge in head first and let the chips fall where they may. The Lion's charms extend to all, even to the children they dearly love. My birthday is Aug. 14th and I'm a Leo. I've always felt that there are a lot of the statements that fit me very well. However, there's one that doesn't fit me...outgoing and the center of attention. I'm really shy around people, although I can fake it well. Most people don't realize that I'm extremely anxious before going out with friends or heading out to a party. Do you think your qualities fit with your horoscope? What's your sign? Do you believe in it? Leave a comment below for a chance to win a $100 gift certificate from Ella's Blog hop and an ebook copy of one of my books-your choice. The more times you comment on each blog in the hop, the better your chances for winning the $100 gift card! Here's the list... Best of luck!
Samantha L.
8/9/2013 01:11:45 am
I'm a cancer. 8/9/2013 03:25:59 am
Names also have a wonderful significance to who we are. :) The question is does the name fit us or do we fit the name?
joe hawkshaw
8/9/2013 02:05:22 am
Mine is Aquarius i do believe in it. Happy Birthday Ella! thanks for the hop. [email protected]
Jessica R
8/9/2013 02:47:42 am
I am a libra. I don't know much more than that about horoscopes.... 8/9/2013 03:27:25 am
My dad's a libra too. Their image is the scale. Justice is big with them. :) Thanks for stopping by!
Hien Huynh
8/9/2013 03:17:09 am
Thanks for the giveaway!
Melissa Keir
8/9/2013 03:27:48 am
Thank you for stopping by!
Shelly Lazar
8/9/2013 05:15:35 am
I'm a virgo, and have most all of their traits! Happy Birthday Ella! so glad to be a part of the blog hop! [email protected]
Melissa Keir
8/9/2013 06:26:36 am
My husband is a virgo too. I agree that they fit him as well! :)
8/9/2013 06:18:46 am
I am a Capricorn. : ) Unfortunately I don`t know much else about my sign. : /
Melissa Keir
8/9/2013 06:26:59 am
It's fun to find out. Thanks for stopping by! 8/9/2013 07:33:18 am
Happy almost birthday, Melissa. :) I'm a Pisces and yes, compassionate, adaptable, accepting, devoted, and imaginative is totally me. My two sons are Leo and your list totally describes them, lol.
Melissa Keir
8/9/2013 01:14:33 pm
Thanks SJ. It's fun to see what fits and what doesn't!
Samantha Loving
8/9/2013 08:29:38 am
happy birthday to ella and thanks to you for being a part of this blog hop!:)
Samantha Loving
8/9/2013 08:30:16 am
oh and happy early birthday to you!
Melissa Keir
8/9/2013 08:33:53 am
Thanks Samantha. Isn't it funny how so much does fit yet some things just don't?
Melissa Keir
8/9/2013 09:55:30 am
Thanks for stopping by! :)
Kyla Patton
8/9/2013 09:32:39 am
My sign is Taurus, and I do believe in it to some extent :) Happy bday Ella and thanks for a great giveaway hop! kamclauc AT gmail DOT com
Melissa Keir
8/9/2013 09:56:12 am
My daughter is a Taurus. :) It's fun to see how the astrological signs are right and wrong.
Kathy Osborn
8/9/2013 09:56:14 am
I'm Virgo and it fits me.
Melissa Keir
8/9/2013 10:16:26 am
My hubby is also a Virgo. He fits it totally!
8/9/2013 09:57:37 am
Happy birthday to Ella! Thanks for participating in the hop. I'm a Scorpio. While there are certain traits that hold true for me, I don't necessarily believe in the whole zodiac thing.
Melissa Keir
8/9/2013 10:17:05 am
I'm not sure I believe in the whole thing either but it's fun to see what it says. Sort of like fortune cookies!
Melissa Keir
8/9/2013 12:08:22 pm
Wouldn't that be fun!
Melissa Keir
8/9/2013 12:36:28 pm
Thanks for stopping by!
Donna Harms
8/9/2013 12:57:17 pm
I am a Virgo, the description of Virgo's mostly fit me....I do believe in them to a degree but as with anything I take what feels right and discard the rest ;-) Thanks for being a part of the blog hop! Happy Birthday Ella! [email protected]
Melissa Keir
8/9/2013 01:13:55 pm
I think that's the best part...you can take what you want out of it.
Melissa Keir
8/10/2013 03:22:49 am
Thanks Natasha! Best of luck! 8/9/2013 02:02:21 pm
Capricorn. (And exactly like a Capricorn in every respect!)
Melissa Keir
8/10/2013 03:23:26 am
Lol... Taryn. Do you like that or not?
LaTanya Lawson (chynarey)
8/9/2013 05:48:07 pm
I'm a Capricorn... In everything I've read about my sign I see myself through and through...
Melissa Keir
8/10/2013 03:24:33 am
Those are wonderful traits LaTanya!
8/9/2013 05:51:37 pm
I'm an Aries but someone pointed out to me that I don't exhibit the typical traits.
Melissa Keir
8/10/2013 03:25:18 am
Sometimes that's a good thing! ;)
Eva Millien
8/9/2013 06:10:40 pm
My horoscope is about 1/2 right, most of the time, It says that I am out going and energetic, boy did they get that wrong, I am the exact opposite, like you I am very shy, so shy, that as old as I am, I make my daughter or my mom or my sister, handle my business. (pathetic, I know, but I feel more comfortable with my books.)Thanks for sharing Ella's wonderful day and the giveaways. evamillien at gmail dot com
Melissa Keir
8/10/2013 03:28:23 am
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I feel the same way so much of the time. :) Books are a blessing!~
valerie r
8/9/2013 06:33:51 pm
Happy Birthday Ella... Hope you have a great weekend to celebrate!
Melissa Keir
8/10/2013 03:29:37 am
I'm finding from this hop that so many people have different birthdays than I did. :) And they're all good!
Jenny Dauksa Schaber
8/9/2013 10:00:13 pm
Aries, but I don't really follow my horoscopes.
Melissa Keir
8/10/2013 03:32:32 am
That was my sister. I'm just glad to celebrate!!
Mel Bourn
8/10/2013 12:34:50 am
I have to admit, I don't follow horoscopes much, but I do know I am a Libra. I do know that my name, Melissa, is Queen Bee. And I am the Queen Bee in my house, especially since I am the only female among my husband, 5 sons, and 2 male dogs.
Melissa Keir
8/10/2013 03:30:38 am
I hear you on that one Melissa! You rock!
Happy Birthday Ella!! Thanks for the blog hop!!
Melissa Keir
8/10/2013 03:25:54 am
Isn't that fun that you can see yourself in those things? I love to take the parts I like and run with them! 8/10/2013 04:45:01 am
I'm a Taurus. Most of the descriptive terms regarding the Taurus do fit me; of course nothing will be 100 percent accurate. My biological father was a Leo and nothing about the description you provided fit him - at least not with my mother, sister and I. It seems that to others he projected those traits. He just was never meant to be a husband or a father. Some people aren't. But if anyone was ever broken down on the roadside, my father was always the first to stop and provide help. Thank you for sharing and giving me some keen and much needed insight. [email protected]
Melissa Keir
8/10/2013 08:17:17 am
Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you enjoyed the post!
Dawna Newman
8/10/2013 06:59:52 am
I do believe, I am a Libra and almost all of how they describe a Libra to be I am for example. I love balance , meaning I am not one that doesn't like to rock the boat so to speak. I like peace. Though my honey may not always agree LOL.
Melissa Keir
8/10/2013 08:18:12 am
My dad's a Libra, too. I think there is something about the zodiac. Some is so spot on.
Marissa A
8/10/2013 07:51:38 am
I have read about my sign (Sagittarius) and I think I do share some of the qualities it suggests. The zodiac signs have always interested me.
Melissa Keir
8/10/2013 08:19:14 am
My sister is a Sagittarius. It is interesting that when you are born can tell you so much about yourself.
Renee Bennett
8/10/2013 07:53:48 am
Happy 40th Birthday to Ella! And early Happy Birthday to you Melissa. I'm a Virgo and I definitely have most of Virgo's traits. I believe you can find traits of a person's Zodiac sign in everyone you meet. You may not know there sign til they tell you but you can see some of them just by talking and observing them. I used to study the Zodiac a long time ago as a teenager. I was fascinated. Since I turned 50, I don't remember a lot of what I learned way back then, but I do remember some of it. LOL
Melissa Keir
8/10/2013 08:20:15 am
*waves at Renee* You have a birthday coming up! Thanks for stopping by and for the birthday wishes!
8/10/2013 11:45:21 am
I'm a Taurus and I think my horoscope hits the dot on somethings but not all. I like harmony but I've denied myself a lot of things over the years and I don't think I'm very artistic at all.
Melissa Keir
8/10/2013 02:25:10 pm
It's fun to see what is right and what is wrong. :)
Cassandra Hicks
8/10/2013 12:30:42 pm
I'm a Libra and a good amount of the descriptions do coincide with my personality but I'm not a firm believer in horoscopes.
Melissa Keir
8/10/2013 02:24:23 pm
I'm not firm on it either but wouldn't it be nice to have those good things happen once in awhile!
8/10/2013 02:04:41 pm
Happy Birthday, Ella! I love birthdays. My sign is Virgo and I have many of the traits. Thanks for the fantastic giveaway.
Melissa Keir
8/10/2013 02:26:06 pm
My hubby is a Virgo...so was my ex. It's funny that they both are and yet so different!
Joy F
8/10/2013 03:10:18 pm
Capricorn and no, I don't believe.
Melissa Keir
8/11/2013 07:46:58 am
Thanks for stopping by Joy! :)
8/10/2013 04:47:35 pm
Leo; somewhat
Melissa Keir
8/11/2013 07:47:59 am
You must have a birthday either just a lil bit ago or coming up! Enjoy!
8/11/2013 02:11:52 am
I'm a Libra, and I'm open to the possibility.
Melissa Keir
8/11/2013 07:48:39 am
Isn't it fun to hope and believe. :)
Juana Esparza
8/11/2013 01:16:38 pm
Happy Birthday Ella! Both mom and I are Leos she was born 8/10 and I was born 8/21. I used to keep track on the horoscope, but not any longer. The daily horoscope was 99% wrong so I stopped believing.
Jessica C.
8/11/2013 03:03:43 pm
Happy Birthday Ella & thank you for the hop.
Barbara Stull
8/11/2013 03:31:23 pm
Happy Birthday Ella!!
Karen Arrowood
8/11/2013 05:02:17 pm
I'm a cancer, but I don't think there is anything to any of that. Comments are closed.
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