Visiting today is Autumn Piper who is sharing her book Trouble Won't Wait and talking about phone sex (no blushing readers, please). What a hot cover and a couple of steamy excerpts. I know you will enjoy this story! And don't forget to leave a comment to enter to win the contest! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sexy Between the Covers guest post Know why sex is like riding a bike? You can do it by yourself, but it’s usually not as fun. I’d planned to discuss the holiday setting in Trouble Won’t Wait, but then I thought about the name of this blog, and figured Sexy Between the Covers merits a little more fun. So. Let’s talk about sex, baby! Or at least, sex in romance novels. Or characters suffering from a lack thereof. Romantic tension is key in any romance novel, and so is sexual tension. As we all know, both tend to escalate, the longer two lovers are kept apart. Some couples in romance novels are able to “hook up” as soon as they know they’re right for one another, while others…must suffer. Which, in turn, hopefully makes the reader suffer as well (insert Evil Author Laugh). I’ll confess, I do love a story where the poor couple is about to explode/boil over/seek medical help because they’re so sexually frustrated. It makes their eventual “coming together” that much hotter. In Trouble Won’t Wait, Mandy’s impending divorce is not yet public knowledge, and she’s determined to remain celibate until it is. She believes making love with the new guy she’s falling for would make her just as “bad” as her adulterous husband. And though she and Adam do a good job of avoiding/fighting temptation, one tough night Mandy slips a little. Desperate to control something after a close call with personal danger (trying to avoid spoilers here!), she tempts Adam into one-sided phone sex. Listening to him turns her into a turned-on hormonal mess, but knowing she can please him reassures her when she needs it most. I finished writing the scene, probably as pleased with the final results as Mandy was. But wait. People were going to read this scene (hopefully!). My face got very hot. I hadn’t come across phone sex in anything I’d read at the time (even now, after editing 60 novels for other people, only 3 of them have phone sex scenes--and they’re hard core erotic romances). Was phone sex over the top? My critique partners and beta readers didn’t think so. They said the scene is a believable, non-premeditated reaction for Mandy, given her situation. So I kept it. And now I try not to think about it when a friend or family member (Hi Mom!) tells me she’s reading my book. And you? (No, I’m not asking about your sex life! Geez, my mom might be reading this.) Have you read other books where the characters have phone sex? Thumbs up, or thumbs down? Autumn Piper Got romance? Twitter: @AutumnPiperAuth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trouble Won’t Wait: Good things may come to those who wait, but trouble waits for no one… Cheating is a dealbreaker...or so Mandy’s always thought. But when she catches her husband getting some “strange,” she realizes how hard it is to cut and run, or even file papers. She agrees to a month of counseling, which will give her time to grieve the loss of her marriage before she has to tell the world—and the kids. Then she meets Adam, who gives her a hunky--if mysterious--shoulder to cry on, and that thirty-day waiting period seems like an eternity. Adam has no problem confessing that he’s watched Mandy from his window for months as she runs by his house. If he told her why, though, she’d freak out for sure. He knows they’ve got a future together, if he can think of a way to explain his past. And he’s sure the rat-bastard who cheated on her is putting the moves on her again, but he won’t be the revenge guy. The month-long cooling off period she agreed to is lasting forever, and might just be indefinite, if trouble keeps getting in their way. WARNING: Eccentric old lady pushing salt-of-the-earth advice, bossy big brother, kooky counselor, super-secretive hunk, and perfect justice served amidst adult situations and language. EXCERPT: I snap the phone shut. Adam pats my back. I’m feeling a little proud, and a lot sick. A wicked combination of nerves, exhaustion and barely eating has me shaking, my heart racing, legs suddenly weak. “Hey, you okay?” Adam’s voice is soft, worried. I can only nod. If I speak I’ll be sick all over my shoes. After a minute or so, I’m not lightheaded anymore, and stand. God, how embarrassing, to go all weak in front of him! “You’re pale.” He strokes my cheek with his fingertips. I must look awful, but he seems concerned, not disgusted. “You’re freezing. Come on.” He leads me toward his house. Halfway to his back gate, it comes to me: I cannot go in there, not in this mood. “Adam. Hold on.” He stops and faces me. I press my eyes with the heels of my hands. “Do you want to be my revenge?” His laugh is warm, lusty. “Would there be opportunity for advancement? A possibility for a permanent position?” “Probably not at this point. Revenge would be a temp position only.” “Then, no. I’ll keep arms’ reach away from you, Scout’s honor.” Arms’ reach, rather than arms’ length… Freudian slip? ![]() Trouble Won't Wait by Autumn Piper Amazon Barnes & Noble Lyrical Press Good things may come to those who wait, but trouble waits for no one… Cheating is a dealbreaker...or so Mandy’s always thought. But when she catches her husband getting some “strange,” she realizes how hard it is to cut and run, or even file papers. She agrees to a month of counseling, which will give her time to grieve the loss of her marriage before she has to tell the world—and the kids. Then she meets Adam, who gives her a hunky--if mysterious--shoulder to cry on, and that thirty-day waiting period seems like an eternity. Adam has no problem confessing that he’s watched Mandy from his window for months as she runs by his house. If he told her why, though, she’d freak out for sure. He knows they’ve got a future together, if he can think of a way to explain his past. And he’s sure the rat-bastard who cheated on her is putting the moves on her again, but he won’t be the revenge guy. The month-long cooling off period she agreed to is lasting forever, and might just be indefinite, if trouble keeps getting in their way. WARNING: Eccentric old lady pushing salt-of-the-earth advice, bossy big brother, kooky counselor, super-secretive hunk, and perfect justice served amidst adult situations and language. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Excerpt #2: I doubt Baldwin understands my resolve, so I explain. “I’m only here because I’m stalling Mike until after the holidays to separate.” Or was Mike stalling me? I’m not sure anymore. “I have no intention of ever sleeping with him again, and I want a divorce.” That should be clear enough. His bushy brows shoot up. I’ve piqued the wanta-be therapist’s interest. “Why do you feel that way?” God, could it be more simple? “He had sex with a woman we know, while I was in the same house! Anybody, even one of the kids, could have walked in on it! It makes me sick to think of him touching me.” “Do you still love him?” Jesus, did Mike put him up to asking that? “It doesn’t matter. I can’t forgive him for what he did. I’ll never forget what I saw, it comes to me at all hours of the day and night.” “So you do still love him, but you’re angry, possibly jealous of his having another partner without your consent.” Without my consent. This guy probably advocates swapping and threesomes, all the fun and games, as long as both spouses consent. I snap my gawping mouth shut. Good ole Baldwin looks me straight in the eye. “What if you were to have an encounter with an outside partner, to even the score?” Is it the smoke from the candles or his suggestion making me choke? “You mean like a revenge affair?” Stampeding thoughts of Adam shred my calm like buffalo through prairie turf. I feel flushed. * * * * As I clomp past Adam’s back fence, a very wet snowball clobbers the back of my head. I react in time to see a second tightly-packed missile heading at my chest, and move aside without a moment to spare. Adam thinks he has an advantage hiding behind his fence, but he doesn’t expect me to charge straight for him and run through the gate so he can face me like a man. In his yard, we wage silent war for several minutes. The only audible evidence of the battle is the splatting of snowballs exploding on impact, and an occasional grunt as we bend our old bodies over to form our weapons. I’ve been stockpiling mine, awaiting opportunity. Which just arrived. He’s bent over, packing and rounding a huge ball. He must think there’s some Snowball Fight Code of Ethics, and I won’t attack if he’s unarmed. He’s sadly mistaken. I launch my stash in quick succession, until his entire backside is white. He waves his snow-whitened glove in the air, begging, “Truce, truce!” “You started it, troublemaker!” I cautiously approach, making sure he’s going to abide by his truce and it’s not an ambush. His cheeks are pink and his eyes are bright. “I see the wheels turning, tell me what you’re thinking,” he prods softly. “How lucky I am that I met you at just the right time.” “You’re tryin’ to kill me, aren’t you?” It makes me giggle, while he hugs me hard against him. With all our outerwear, it’s more of a big squeeze than a hug. It’s time for me to go, and as I back out the gate, Adam says, “I’m crazy for you, remember.” I answer with, “Me, too. Bonkers. Nutso.” I turn and run. ![]() Author Bio: Autumn Piper Website Blog Goodreads I write contemporary romance with a high heat index to match their American southwest settings. Known by my writing buddies as "Angst", I have a penchant for making my characters suffer. My stories may be tributes to the old saying, "No pain, no gain", but my Hero and Heroine always get the happily-ever-after they so deserve. I love sunny days, hot bread, the ocean, and that fluttery feeling I get inside at the first spark of a great romance. In between being a wife, mom of two teens, editor and writer, I like to read, garden, take morning walks, and make people laugh--probably succeed here when I try to jog. For me, an excellent book has characters I can sympathize with or hate (sometimes both at once), a story I simply must see through to the end, and realistic dialogue. Give me those key elements, and I'll read any genre or time period, any author. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An Amazon gift card of $15 will be awarded to one lucky commenter from this Media Page at the end of the 8 week book tour - Please include your email address with your comment - Good Luck!
June M.
12/17/2012 05:52:15 pm
This sounds like a great story. I can totally understand Mandy not being able to trust a person who cheats on her, or wanting him to touch her. I could not either. I will have to add this book to my wishlist. 12/18/2012 12:42:29 am
Thanks, June. Hope you have a great day. Thanks for having me, Melissa! 12/18/2012 12:20:13 pm
Thank you for stopping by Autumn! I'm happy to have you! Comments are closed.
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