I'm so excited to share this sizzling series with you. If you love vampire stories, you are going to love Deborah Palumbo's series. Her vampire isn't the old Dracula wanna-be. He's a hot new type of vampire. But I'll let her tell you about it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() First I want to say I am very happy to be here today with you. I'd like to tell everyone that I am a self pubbed author, exclusively Amazon, enrolled in KDP select which means Amazon Prime Members can borrow my books for FREE! Otherwise, they are only $2.99 for ebook and $7.95 paperback. I write Paranormal, mystery and historical romance. It was a long journey to get here; something I've always wanted to do since I was a little girl, but didn't until fate stepped in, and during a long period of illness and confinement I wrote books. Now I have 9 published and many more are sitting in files ready to be dusted off! I wrote a screenplay with acclaimed actor/writer Jordan Rhodes which is my claim to fame. LOL. I loved the experience of screen writing especially with Jordan, but my true and first love is writing novels. Today, I thought I'd focus on my paranormal series in honor of my new release, book 3 in the series, The Banished One. First though, I think it's best to first write a little blurb about book 1 in the series, The Undeparted for those of you aren't familiar with the series, and then tell you about The Banished One. So here it goes…. Handsome Quentin Castle, the father of all vampires is a multi-millionaire, not some cape wearing, blood-dripping-from-the-mouth vampire, although he does live in a gothic castle and he loves to bite. In fact, he's been around millennia and is completely evil and lustful, although since meeting the beautiful mortal Cassandra, he's in a spiritual transition. He's desperate to win Cassandra's heart, but doesn't want her love and devotion because he did the "mesmerizing vampire thing," so he tries to woo the reluctant Cassandra the mortal way first. As to what he actually ends up doing…well, hopefully your readers will read the novel and its sequel THE ASCENT OF THE UNDEPARTED to find out...I CAN SAY NO MORE! ![]() Now onto the Banished One, book 3. THE BANISHED ONE : Love, murder, sex and VAMPIRES. (for 18+) A sleepy little town has a secret: there's a serial killer vampire on the loose. The lustful and evil Lucius is still wreaking havoc on the sleepy town in Tower City, and since he's supernatural he can't be captured by normal police procedure. A frustrated Lieutenant Welby refuses to believe that the one responsible for those dead bodies in his town is a vampire; that defies logic. There's got to be another explanation for those fang marks in the victims' throats. Welby remains a staunch disbeliever in vampires until a series of preternatural events and the coroner's scientific evidence causes him to change his mind. Welby then follows the old town rumors right to Quentin, the father of all vampires and his gothic castle to enlist Quentin's supernatural aid in capturing Lucius. Will Quentin, the only one who can stop Lucius' vampire tirades, help the Lieutenant or make him one of The Undeparted? Will Quentin battle Lucius and send Lucius to the bowels of hell for eternity, finally ensuring that Cassandra is safe from her old beau? Will the old coal mining town be safe at last? I hope this tidbit entices anyone who loves vampires and the paranormal and mystery and romance, to give the series a read! Thanks so much for having me! Deborah Palumbo BUY LINKS: ALL BOOKS http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=deborah+palumbo&x=6&y=19 THE BANISHED ONE: http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/B00AEVBAPE/ref=sib_dp_kd#reader-link THE UNDEPARTED: http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/B007D9U092/ref=sib_dp_kd#reader-link THE ASCENT OF THE UNDEPARTED: http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/B007D58LUG/ref=sib_dp_kd#reader-link WEBSITE: www.deborahpalumbo.com BLOG: http://deborahpalumbotheundeparted.blogspot.com/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/deborahpalumbo2 GOODREADS: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6441876.Deborah_Palumbo 12/20/2012 09:42:32 pm
Melissa, thanks so much for this awesome post. I really enjoyed myself with you! I look forward to a continuing friendship! 12/21/2012 12:20:17 pm
Thanks Deborah! It means so much to me. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! :) Comments are closed.
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