I'm excited to have Jilda Sharp with us today. She is a wonderful children's book author. As a teacher, I know the importance of books for children. If you want a child to be a better writer, they must read. Reading is the spark for every other subject. I know you will enjoy her interview and will check out her books. Hello and Welcome! Please tell us a little about yourself. I am Southern born and bred by the grace of God. I am the middle girl in five living generations in my family. I have one Bubba, a daughter, and four beautiful grandchildren. What song best fits your life? And Why? Most everything by Jimmy Buffet, but the best fit would be “A Pirate Looks At Forty”. It’s refecting on one’s self, on life. How lings hage changed – how he feels obsolete. Overlooked and possibly outdated. If you were a cartoon character who would you be and why? Velma! Without a doubt. She’s got all the brains. If you had to live without your car or your computer, which would you choose? I would give up my car! I couldn’t live without my computer, internet or cell phone!! Do you have any funny stories from growing up that you can share? From growing up – I remember having water balloon fights with my brother. From today, accidentally putting kerosene in the station wagon on the farm instead of gas. The whole family still laughs if you mention the wagon and kersosene. What’s your favorite thing to do to relax? Reading, writing, listening to music. If you had to be one of your characters, which would you be and why? Hannah the Mouse. She’s Rosebud’s BFF. Or, Fanny the Flamingo for her sense of style. Your books have a wide range of genres, do they have any common themes? The children’s books share a common theme. They pull experiences from my childhood and the lives of my grandchildren. Did you always want to be an author? Absolutely! It’s on my “bucket list”. That, or a kindergarten teacher. What is your favorite part about being an author? What is your least favorite? Favorite – Writing, the story. Least Favorite – promoting the book. Trying to get people to read it for review, or to purchase it. What has been your favorite part about getting published? Seeing my story, my words, in print. The satisfaction of knowing I accomplished something I have always dreamed of doing. Where do you write? Do you need anything to help you get in the mood for writing? I write everywhere. I carry a notebook with me at all times to jot down notes, idea, character ideas, and story plots. Random notes sometimes. Tell us about your latest release: Rosebud is a pretty young girl with long blond curls and dark brown eyes. She has a dog named Spot, a fish name Goldie, a cat named Furball, a bird named Parrot, and a hamster named Smokey. She lives in a big blue house with a red roof. Everything in her room in pink, pink and more pink. There are sparkles everywhere. Jewels here and feathers there. Rosebud loved to play dress-up, wearing all her pink clothes and even a pink wig! She also likes to have tea parties with her dolls. But, most days you’ll find Rosebud in a pair of overalls, a pink tutu skirt, and pink rubber rain boots, looking for an adventure. And, there’s lots of room outside for playing and adventuring. Rosebud has a giant imagination, and has many adventures and many special friends. Rosebud spends a lot of time with her YaYa and they have the most wonderful adventures. Some days, they hunt for buried treasures with old maps. Some days, they get to help animals. They have planted flowers at YaYa’s cottage. They have done arts & crafts projects. They have held tea parties for their friends. They have been on picnics. Once a year, they go to the beach for a week’s vacation. But most days, they just sit on the porch in rocking chairs and make up stories. One day, Rosebud and Myrtle the Turtle climbed into the big purple truck with her YaYa and drove down through the woods to a secret place to pick blackberries. “What adventure do you have in mind?” said Myrtle the Turtle. “Are we searching for buried treasure?” asked Rosebud. “Are we building a secret agent hideout?” asked Myrtle. “Well, our adventure today is dangerous, is a treasure, is at a secret location, and sweet, and tasty, and takes a long time to do”, said YaYa. Rosebud and Myrtle looked at each other, and then they looked at YaYa. They had funny looks on their faces, with their eyebrows scrunched up together. YaYa laughed. “We are going to pick blackberries today”said YaYa as she drove down a long dirt road. “What are those?” asked Rosebud. Once they stopped, YaYa pointed out the blackberry bushes to Rosebud and Myrtle the Turtle. Rosebud on the FarmAnimals in the FridgeHow did you decide on your story plot?
It came naturally. Part of the story was what I used to tell my grandchildren when they would spend the night with me. Rosebud is part me as a child, and partly my granddaughter. How did you choose your characters names and location for your story? I ask my grandchildren for names for the characters. I sometimes have to add or change the storyline based on their character names. Do you have a favorite scene? Why? When Rosebud meets Manny and the monkeys. As monkeys are ought to do, they are chattering and clapping with delight. Offering bananas. Let our readers know how they can get a hold of you…www.flipflops-and-pearls.net [email protected] Buy links for Jilda's books: Shadows, Skeletons and a Southern Belle -- http://www.amazon.com/shadows-Skeletons-Southern-Belle-Jilda/dp/1477151931/ Animals in the Fridge -- http://www.amazon.com/Animals-in-the-Fridge-ebook/dp/B008RYEKPW/ Rosebud on the Farm -- http://www.amazon.com/Rosebud-Farm-Jilda-Leigh/dp/1478364203/ Rosebud and Hannah Learn to Haul Hay -- HTTPS://www.createspace.com/3963956 (it will be on Amazon soon) Voices of the Past -- HTTPS://www.createspace.com/3968789 (it will be on Amazon soon) Rosebud and Hannah at the Calf Birthing -- still in production Is there anything else that you want to share… feel free!! Writing has been my savior. I write everyday, and it has been a tool to download my brain. Writing has to be a passion. Otherwise, the reader loses interest. If you don’t write or read every day – you become stagnant. That is a sad state of mind, to not be growing daily. Don’t get discouraged. Keep plugging away at it. Ask friends, family, and colleagues to read your manuscripts for review and post their reviews oline so you have publicity. Publicity and marketing are key components once you are published! Thank you Jilda for stopping by today! I know that children everywhere must love your stories. The adventures are very exciting and certainly will peak their imagination. Comments are closed.
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January 2025